# Header one ## Header two ### Header three #### Head four ##### Header five ---- [markdown page github](https://github.com/oscarmorrison/md-page) this is some example text under a header one. This is some more text. And a little bit more text, I would use lorum ipsum, but google keeps asking me to translate it! But this is kinda neat yeah? It respects line breaks, and other things, and I can just bang away at writing markdown, and nothing else! ## header two *this will be italic* **this will be bold** ~~this will be strike through~~ __this will be underlined__ ## Lists ### Unordered * item one * item two * item a * item b ### Ordered 1. Item 1 1. Item 2 1. Item 3 1. item 3a 1. item 3b ## Images ![Logo](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1651212/46570190-b8147200-c9a3-11e8-9c1f-d0a50d0540b6.jpg) ## Links http://github.com - automatic! (external links will open in new window) [header one](#header-one) (local links will not) [same domain](./another.html) (local links will not) ## Blockquotes > We're living the future so > the present is our past. ## Code This is a `inline` code ``` this is a code block. What about when it has a heap more text in it and its got a couple of lines? ``` ## Tasks - [x] done - [ ] not done ## Tables First Header | Second Header ------------ | ------------- Content from cell 1 | Content from cell 2 Content in the first column | Content in the second column ## Emojis :showdown: :+1: :100: :aerial_tramway: ## Mentions Can just do @oscarmorrison ## HTML *and you can use just regular ol HTML 300Gb of 500Gb